Monday, October 14, 2013

19 Days-Fill My Playlist Update

19 days left until the marathon.
The details are needing to get filled in.

Like-am I am going to listen to music or just let the crowds carry me along?

Reading runners blogs have led me to the conclusion that I will probably need a balance of the two. There are miles where the crowd is just awesome and all I need. And miles where I need to focus and let Pavlovian mentality take over. Just settle into my pace with music my body has trained to over the last three months.

So here is a playlist update thanks to all the amazing contributors to Inheritance of Hope:
This is EXACTLY 3:44 minutes of music. 
Which is EXACTLY the time I am predicting that I am going to finish. 


I might need a few bumper songs. Just in case I bonk. 
Not that it's going to happen, I'm just saying...

Last minute donation challenge:

How much MORE $ can we raise in the next two weeks? 
Donate here and let's see? 

Add your song to the playlist.
Encourage me. 
Run with me.
I run with you.
I think about you while I run in NEW YORK FREAKING CITY. 

No brainer. 

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