Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 1: #SharingStreak Ri Lamb

(top L)Me wearing my fathers 1982 Marine Corps Marathon shirt, (top R) my father in a foxhole in Korea, (bottom L) my parents looking super dapper at a formal military gathering, (bottom R) my Father's Change of Command Ceremony when he was the Commander of the 25th Transportation Corps in Seoul, South Korea. PRETTY AWESOME HUH?

Person you want to honor:
My husband Don. Served in the Army for 36 years. We have lived in twenty-something places together in his military career. 

Why are you honoring them? 
He is my hero. I can always trust him. He has given his life for our country and I can't imagine life without him. He is always encouraging me. He is so faithful and trusting. 

Who has helped you the most to find strength through trying times? 
Besides my husband--My children, my mother, my grandmother. And Jesus. 

Having a strong faith...whenever we moved--having a strong faith gave me the ability to see how somethings would never change no matter where we were. Being an Episcopal, I knew that my parents were saying the same prayers and reading the same Scriptures I was even if I was half-way across the world. 

When my sister-in-law died, it gave me great comfort to go to a church in California and to know the service to find the same prayers and Scriptures that we have at home. It was peaceful at a time of grief. 

Favorite quote:
"Love one another as I have loved you"

Something you want others to know/be inspired by/find hope in today:
I love your running! I am inspired by the way you have run for charity. Particularly for Inheritance of Hope. By how persistently you train. How you have encouraged your children and friends. It's infectious. 

Here's a fun quote "When you find yourself spending more time worrying about your body odor than you spend on God's call for your life, then it is time to reexamine your priorities." --Bishop Scott Benhase 

What is your pump up song? 
Sweet Caroline and Forever in Blue Jeans--Neil Diamond

Want to join in the Sharing Streak? 

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