Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 2: #Sharing Streak Cal Rains

(L) Me and Caroline Rains at Saranac Lake in 2010 and (R) todays run

Todays donor, Cal Rains wasn't able to get his questions back to me in time for today's post but his daughter is one of my favorite all-time Young Life friends so I can share that I am so grateful for them and their support of me running for Inheritance of Hope and Young Life. 

Caroline was in a car accident in high school during a rain storm and her car ended up in a fence on the side of the road. The fence posts went through her windshield and cut her very badly. She persevered and she is beautiful inside and out! 

I was so privileged to walk through life with her during high school and I get to see her around town now as young adult and she is so much fun. Her brother Cole ran cross country in high school and at Clemson and I get to see him now as a student at UNCA. This family means the world to me and I am so grateful to them for their support! 

I only have two more donors left in the tank right now! I need more to keep going! Want to join in? Donate today! 

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