Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 3 #sharingstreak: Andrea Reynolds

Andrea with her mother (on the left)
A post from Facebook that Andrea shared late last year. I love this! 

Andrea Reynolds is a friend of ours from Columbia, SC. She went to high school with Matt and works with my sister-in-law Mary Lane. We love her!

Andrea's mother is very sick with cancer right now and has been in a battle for her life for the last year or so. It has been wonderful to watch Andrea's love for her mother come through our friendship through Facebook. She is an amazing daughter and loves her mother very much.

She said this in a message to me about Inheritance of Hope and the #sharingstreak, "I am happy to help such a worthy cause. My mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer in September and has moved in with us so we can show her love and hope as well as the love of Christ. 

Going with her to chemo and watching her battle is a very eye-opening experience to this brutal disease. 

It affects so many lives and families and anything that can help those families have hope is worth our time, effort and money. Your dedication is inspiring and you don't know how many lives you touch with your determination! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

We have raised $409 so far for families with terminal illness. $1100 left to go and 30 days left in the #sharingstreak! Will you GO STREAKING WITH US?

Click here to join in!

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