Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 4: #Sharingstreak Diane Hidey

(R) Diane (L) sister Janice

Diane Hidey was my mentor throughout college. In my junior and senior year, we would meet for breakfast weekly and read books together and talk about my life and how it was maybe falling apart and what direction it should take instead.

Diane has been SO GOOD to me over the years. In fact, 14 years ago--Diane was a bridesmaid in my wedding-even though she would have much rather read Scripture or something. She is just one of those people who puts on a dress and walks down the aisle of life with you just to let you know she stands by your side.

This is what she is doing with her sister Janice. Janice has stage 4 breast cancer. She is a teacher and an incredible woman of God who has influenced countless people for Christ. She is fighting for her life and she is loved deeply by Diane and her family.
Person you want to honor:  Janice Hidey

Why are you honoring her? She's the best sister, she's the primary care giver for my Mom and she's battling Stage 4 Breast cancer

Who has helped you the most to find strength through trying times? My strength first comes from God. He shelters me and hems me in behind and in front. So I turn to the Bible for words of comfort and my friends for a shoulder to cry on. I've also found that In hard times it helps to get the focus off of me and go do something that helps others. Volunteer, give your life away to others and the burdens we have get shared with many. 

Favorite quote: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." 
--Jim Elliott

What is your pump up song? Born in the USA--Bruce Springsteen

Thanks Diane! 

I have only one more donor to go in the sharing streak right now!

I am looking for more. Do you have a story to tell? 
Click here to donate and I will be in touch to share your story! Keep the #sharingstreak alive!  

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