Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 5: #SharingStreak Amy Berry

Amy Berry's Grandfather Fred Cushing Jr. and her girls the last time they saw him alive. 

Amy Berry is a dear friend who works with me here in Asheville on the Young Life staff. We run hard in life together in Asheville since we have kids that are similar ages and we love to laugh at exactly the same things.

Amy's husband Phil is the director of Camp Ridgecrest for Boys where Asher has spent two weeks of the summer for the last three years AND HE LOVES IT LIKE WHOA. 

We love the Berry's and are so grateful for their friendship.

Late last year, Amy's grandfather and the patriarch of her family passed away and it affected her deeply. She is honoring him with a donation to Inheritance of Hope and with today's post. 

Who- My grandpa- Fred Cushing, Jr.

Why- He died in November at the age of 96 and was just an incredible man- great father, grandfather, great-grandfather, business man, World War 2 veteran, loving husband and super sharp to the end.  He was a lover of learning and reading and the outdoors.

Where I find peace through trying times- Jesus and my family have helped me through my hardest times; 

How- knowing that my Hope is in Jesus and his death on the Cross and life with me now

Quote- my favorite right now: “We spend most of our lives trying to make things happen for ourselves and for the people we love. But life is not reduced to what you give or know or achieve. Nor is it reduced to your mistakes, your failures, or your sin. Life isn’t even defined by whom you love. Rather, it is defined by the God who loves you. In other words, you are not the central character—not even of your own life’s story. This is not meant to demean you; it is meant to set you free.”  From Sacred Thirst by M. Craig Barnes

And this from the Bible- Job 26:14And these are but the outer fringe of his works;
how faint the whisper we hear of him!
Who then can understand the thunder of his power?

Pump up song- phew....that's hard.  Really any Whitney Houston song like "One Moment in Time" or Mumford & Sons "Roll Away Your Stone" or "Let's Go" by Trick Daddy (that's pretty varied I'd say)

*I love that those are her pump up songs. That sounds just like me! 

This is the final donation so far! I am running every day and I would love to run and pray for you and your family. I would love to post and share tomorrow about someone in your life! MAKE A DONATION TODAY! 

If you are wondering what Inheritance of Hope is all about and what kind of impact it is making: Here is a blog post from a family that JUST came back from a retreat. Inheritance of Hope is all about leaving a legacy and changing lives. Creating hope and hope for the future. It is REAL! 

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