Since we listed our house for sale nearly a year ago and successfully sold it in under 6 months in this crappy economy; some deluded part of me believes that I would be an awesome real estate agent. Not that I want to be one. No offense. But since the market stinks right now, its not exactly the "opportunity" I am looking for.
However, I just visited a new blog that has verified the fact that there are a LOT of really REALLY bad real estate agents out there and I could help steer people away from them?
Check it out:
Click on the actual listing so that you can see how awesomely bad each one is. Fantastic. This is why the real estate market is crap.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Sew A Needle Pulling Thread
My mom just sent me this YouTube video which is awesome because 1) The Sound of Music happens to be my favorite musical of all time
2) Matt's entire family knows every line of The Sound of Music as well.
3) Need proof? On a trip to Europe-Matt's parents drove for 2 days to go visit Salzburg and see the the pagoda where Leisel and Rolf dance "I Am 16 going on 17". Seriously.
4) Next week TC Roberson (Where I am a YL Leader) is showing The Sound of Music and I can not be more excited.
5) I started watching this and got chills. That's proof of a good YouTube video people.
2) Matt's entire family knows every line of The Sound of Music as well.
3) Need proof? On a trip to Europe-Matt's parents drove for 2 days to go visit Salzburg and see the the pagoda where Leisel and Rolf dance "I Am 16 going on 17". Seriously.
4) Next week TC Roberson (Where I am a YL Leader) is showing The Sound of Music and I can not be more excited.
5) I started watching this and got chills. That's proof of a good YouTube video people.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Disney Watching the Bottom Line
I just watched this YouTube clip that shows how Disney movies used the same cells in multiple movies to build scenes.
Not just the same ideas-BUT THE SAME SERIES of drawings and renderings. It is unbelievable.
My mind is blown particularly wide because well...I have been watching an inordinate amount of Disney movies lately and I am feeling a bit gipped right now by Mister Walt Disney.
Not just the same ideas-BUT THE SAME SERIES of drawings and renderings. It is unbelievable.
My mind is blown particularly wide because well...I have been watching an inordinate amount of Disney movies lately and I am feeling a bit gipped right now by Mister Walt Disney.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Toughest Sorority
I just got back from an Alumni Soccer Game at USC and it was quite the experience.
I haven't been back in a few years, thanks to having babies and what-not. But I got to go this year due to the Blizzard of Crooked Creek.
I went and had a great time. It was really fun to see the current team play. It was great to be back at the Graveyard and to remember all of my days playing on the old field. And it was great to go out afterward with a few friends from the team and laugh and remember good things about playing together.
I called Matt after we left our time together and started to rehash and told him just how fun and "easy" it was to play soccer and be me finally. After all these years. I just stared crying. I couldn't figure out why except for this.
I never emotionally really dealt with how hard it really was to play soccer in college. I never had the time to. I know wah wah wah.
But it was the hardest time in my life and very few people-except for those that I played soccer with and those that I lived with really know how hard it was. I tried really hard to bear it alone. And I think that after all of these years, I am bearing the scars of that.
To give you a little picture of a day, here's a snapshot:
9:00 breakfast and classes-until 1pm
1:30-2:30 training room to get treatment and evaluated/judged by trainers to know if you have done what they have been telling you do. i.e.: determines if you are going to get yelled at by coach
2:30-3: locker room to get ready for practice
3-5: practice/torture. This could be fun. But you are going to get yelled at by coaches, trainers, teammates for the entire time. You will disappoint everyone-including your mother everytime you miss a shot, a tackle or a sprint that you are supposed to make. It calls into question if you are going to get your scholarship, if coach thinks your are good enough, if your parents are going to be disappointed in you, did everyone on the team notice that, can you make it up next time? When you a realize it and say something like "Sh$#" then you have disappointed God and then everyone on the team judges you. Good times for two hours.
5:30-6:30: weight training. This is especially fun when you are lifting weights next to people that are getting ready for the NFL combine or the Olympics. You basically feel like a weak little cheerleader in your sweet little Title9 sport. All the while getting yelled at by your weight trainer for not being serious enough.
6:30-7:30: Team meeting for Young Life. Obviously you are late and letting the team and God down again. You haven't eaten since you grabbed lunch in the middle of Psych 305. So you try to eat while planning club or having campaigners. You stink because you haven't showered and you have some bag of ice wrapped on a part of your body. You haven't processed one part of your day yet.
8pm: Study Hall. You better not be late because if you are late the whole team will have to run for your lateness and since you didn't eat with the team because you are Jesus will be even worse for you. So don't be late. But then three freshman are late by three minute. Three times three equals six laps on the track at 6am. Tomorrow. That's where you will be. You spend the next two hours trying not to hate them and instead studying Russian vocab because it was a good idea to take Russian while playing college soccer. Once more, you have disappointed God because you have failed and you hate them. No really. You do. And your Coach.
10pm: Out of study hall. Everyone is heading to a party. But not me. It's just not a great place for me to go tonight-or any night. Are they worried about going to the track at 6am? Nope. Me? YES.
Can't wait to play soccer! This scholarship is totally worth it!
Looking back it was. But that day right there-was truthfully everyday for four years. Without a break. Without much variation except for when we had games. Which were wonderful. 20 games a season. Awesome.
There is nothing-NOTHING like scoring a goal wearing your teams jersey on your field. I wouldn't trade it. But there were days when the locker room was nearly unbearable. When study hall was awful. When I did not want to board the bus for an away game because of who else was going and how hard it was going to be and how it made me feel on the inside. Like I was never good enough.
So no doubt, I never processed or dealt with it. I was floating through from one thing to next just trying to survive without getting in trouble, all day long. That was my goal. Just don't get in trouble today. Socially, athletically, academically, theologically. And I would FAIL FAIL FAIL. But if I focused on all the failures, I would be a wreck! So, I would see one or two and try to handle those then move on. It was an impossible task.
So I cried today. From being sad that I really wanted to fit in with my teammates to being awesome on the soccer field. I wanted it all to go great at college. And I LOVED COLLEGE. Which is so bizarre given how hard it was. But I really did. I just had to compartmentalize what was hard and move on.
Today, I am 31 and a mom to two kids. For some reason, it was fun. I felt finally like I could let it go and know that I am good enough. I did it. I weathered the storm. I can wear the jersey for the rest of my life and know that I did it. But every day was hard. I can't say that enough.
But was just fun. I laughed and played and stunk up that field because there was no pressure to be awesome or anything. I could just be who I am. I was comfortable with that. Finally.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Breaking News
Crooked Creek is snowed in.
Which means my husband who was supposed to fly home tomorrow, is hopefully going to get home on Sunday. 11:30 PM on Sunday that is.
Awesome. 20 something inches of snow in 24 hours will do that.
So, I am just chilling in Columbia, SC at his parents house until the weather in Colorado lets up.
Lucy has decided that this is going to be the week when she throws a fit and cries for hours on end if things don't go exactly her way.
So that's awesome to hear about 20 inches of fresh pow-pow to shred on top of the mountain bro. Awesome. Bro.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
This is the kind of advice I'm looking for on Biggest Loser
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Pollen Counts Are High
It's pollen season again and that can only mean one thing. Feeling like crap.
Only not for me.
When I was pregant...two springs in a row; I had to come up with some other solution to allergy medicine because you can't take any. (Reason #404 to not get pregnant again) and I discovered the Neti Pot.
Well, a pharmacy version of the Neti Pot.
What is a Neti Pot?
You mix uniodized salt with lukewarm water and you pour it into your sinus and out the other side of your nostril comes whatever is clogging you up.
In short. It is a disgusting miracle.
Even the New York Times says so.
See: New York Times
If you are pregnant, or an allergy sufferer; I would suggest giving this method a try this season. I have had almost no problems in two years since I started using a Neti Pot/FreshAire methodology mostly because it washes out all pollen from my sinus before I go to bed. It is amazing. Amazingly disgusting. Seriously, you can't do this around other people. But you do feel like a million bucks when you are done.
Give it a whirl. If it doesn't work, I will refund you the $3.33 it might cost you to try it.
PS: that ain't my picture.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Schizo Ipod
I just reviewed my last 20 itunes purchases and there is a distinct possibility that I am going mad.
Come on Get Higher: Matt Nathanson
Just Dance: Lady Gaga
Go On Say It: Blind Pilot
The Story I Heard: Blind Pilot
Oviedo: Blind Pilot
One Red Thread: Blind Pilot
Running Down A Dream: Tom Petty
Work It: Missy Elliot
My Prerogitive: Bobby Brown
Single Ladies (Put A Ring On it): Beyonce
Hot N Cold: Katy Perry
Are You Gonna Go My Way: Lenny Kravitz
Viva La Vida: Cold Play
Forever: Chris Brown
Keep Breathing: Ingrid Michaelson
Tell It to My Heart: Taylor Dayne
What's Up: 4 Non Blondes
Walking In Memphis: Marc Cohn
My Boo: Ghostown DJ's
Alive and Kicking: Simple Minds
As well as the entire Yo Gabba Gabba soundtrack which I figured didn't really count, since I don't really listen to it. Except for the Ting Tings song and the Family song. But besides's for the children.
But really, take a look at this list.
I heard Blind Pilot on NPR and I loved them so I downloaded a few tracks and have not regretted it. They are great. But from Tom Petty to Missy Elliot to Bobby Brown to Taylor Dayne back to Ghostown DJ's, Marc Cohn and finish it off with Simple Minds? I might need a MRI.
Come on Get Higher: Matt Nathanson
Just Dance: Lady Gaga
Go On Say It: Blind Pilot
The Story I Heard: Blind Pilot
Oviedo: Blind Pilot
One Red Thread: Blind Pilot
Running Down A Dream: Tom Petty
Work It: Missy Elliot
My Prerogitive: Bobby Brown
Single Ladies (Put A Ring On it): Beyonce
Hot N Cold: Katy Perry
Are You Gonna Go My Way: Lenny Kravitz
Viva La Vida: Cold Play
Forever: Chris Brown
Keep Breathing: Ingrid Michaelson
Tell It to My Heart: Taylor Dayne
What's Up: 4 Non Blondes
Walking In Memphis: Marc Cohn
My Boo: Ghostown DJ's
Alive and Kicking: Simple Minds
As well as the entire Yo Gabba Gabba soundtrack which I figured didn't really count, since I don't really listen to it. Except for the Ting Tings song and the Family song. But besides's for the children.
But really, take a look at this list.
I heard Blind Pilot on NPR and I loved them so I downloaded a few tracks and have not regretted it. They are great. But from Tom Petty to Missy Elliot to Bobby Brown to Taylor Dayne back to Ghostown DJ's, Marc Cohn and finish it off with Simple Minds? I might need a MRI.
Seriously. Watch this.
Doesn't it just make you feel all warm and gooey inside?
Thanks Ben.
Doesn't it just make you feel all warm and gooey inside?
Thanks Ben.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
You'll Remember
I don't know why this song just struck me so...but it is Patty Griffin. So you just never know with her song lyrics. Somedays they mean more than others. This is NOT a video, it is just her song with a static picture so that you can listen to the words.
I am sure that all of you can identify with the hope to move on from people that you ended badly with so that you can remember with fondness what did have with them. Maybe one day...
It takes a second once you click play for the music to play. Be patient.
Maybe one day along the way
You'll remember me on this island
Smiling at you how I used to
Maybe one day, you'll remember
And it won't be sad to think of all we had
All unhappy ends will be behind us then
Maybe one day along the way
You'll think of me, and you'll be smiling
Maybe one day, maybe one day
Maybe one day, you'll remember
I am sure that all of you can identify with the hope to move on from people that you ended badly with so that you can remember with fondness what did have with them. Maybe one day...
It takes a second once you click play for the music to play. Be patient.
Maybe one day along the way
You'll remember me on this island
Smiling at you how I used to
Maybe one day, you'll remember
And it won't be sad to think of all we had
All unhappy ends will be behind us then
Maybe one day along the way
You'll think of me, and you'll be smiling
Maybe one day, maybe one day
Maybe one day, you'll remember
Looks Like My Friends Are All A Pile of Bricks
Outside In
Houses are a lot like women. You can't judge one based on appearance only.
Houses are a lot like women. You can't judge one based on appearance only.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Because you ask for these things
Everybody Praise Now
We went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a church in North Asheville that was amazing on Saturday. They had three bounce houses, a climbing wall, puppet shows, a carnival for the kids, mini-golf, firetruck, free lunch AND cotton candy.
Needless to say it was a hit.

This was Asher before he picked up only ONE egg and then got freaked out.
Had a crying fit and had to be put in the car for a little bit.
Oh it is so fun to be a parent.
So that meant that Lucy and Bennett got to keep all the eggs to themselves.
Yes, this was Easter Egg Hunt #2 for the Knauer-Sloans.
BTW: the title of this post and the previous one is a nod to the music that was playing the entire time at this easter festival. It was Christian music that was to tune of previously recorded secular music. Such as Huey Lewis and the News "The Power of Love" and C&C Music Factory "Everybody Dance Now". It was something special to hear them changed to pretty unremarkable Christian music.
Needless to say it was a hit.
Lucy has an alter-ego. When she is being naughty, she says she is being a "tiger". Which thrills us because of the whole Carolina-Clemson thing. But now...she actually likes tiger things. *Sigh*
Lucy got to experience some cotton candy. Look at the PURE JOY on her face.
This was Asher before he picked up only ONE egg and then got freaked out.
Had a crying fit and had to be put in the car for a little bit.
Oh it is so fun to be a parent.
Yes, this was Easter Egg Hunt #2 for the Knauer-Sloans.
BTW: the title of this post and the previous one is a nod to the music that was playing the entire time at this easter festival. It was Christian music that was to tune of previously recorded secular music. Such as Huey Lewis and the News "The Power of Love" and C&C Music Factory "Everybody Dance Now". It was something special to hear them changed to pretty unremarkable Christian music.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
You don't need no Credit Card to Praise His Name
Yesterday we celebrated Easter with the Knauers, the Williams and Amy Noll. Natalie and I are in a race to see who can most cook like the Pioneer Woman...since I take the pictures and have a blog; I think I am winning. But Natalie sure can cook.
And she loves ham. And she says it like "Hay-um" so maybe she is winning. I don't know.
It was our third Easter egg hunt with the Knauers this week, so our kids were pros by the time Easter day actually came around on Sunday.

Natalie toasted coconut to make coconut cake and then added peeps.
Lucy of course stuffed the whole peep in her mouth at once.
That's my girl.
Can't you just feel the excitement at the Easter Egg Hunt?
And she loves ham. And she says it like "Hay-um" so maybe she is winning. I don't know.
It was our third Easter egg hunt with the Knauers this week, so our kids were pros by the time Easter day actually came around on Sunday.
Natalie made roasted vegetables.
Lucy of course stuffed the whole peep in her mouth at once.
That's my girl.
Baby Wesley
Our good friends Greg and Lucy have decided to start a blog to keep people updated on what is going on with Baby Wesley.
You can follow along here:
Just a week ago he came into the world. It is crazy, but we have seen people loving and reaching out to the Nobles in wonderful ways. We hate that this has happened to them, but love that it has happened here in Asheville.
You can follow along here:
Just a week ago he came into the world. It is crazy, but we have seen people loving and reaching out to the Nobles in wonderful ways. We hate that this has happened to them, but love that it has happened here in Asheville.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Unsorted Mail
Dear Michigan State Spartans,
Thanks for not showing up for the game last night, ruining my bracket and destroying my shot at the McSloanSmith Cloak and general infamy with my inlaws. I'll get you back sometime.
Dear Snow on my brand-new blueberry bushes on April 7th,
You are not welcome around here anymore.
This is not the kind of April showers that bring May Flowers.
Dear Preschool that takes Spring Break,
Guess who doesn't need Spring Break?
Two and Three-year olds. Their entire lives are a break. Let's hit the books next week instead of taking it off, kay?
Dear Parents whose cars have stickers covering their entire back windows,
I do not understand how that happens and yes, I am judging you.
But, look into straight razor. They cost 1.29 at a hardware store.
Your kids aren't really enjoying those stickers anymore are they?
Thanks for not showing up for the game last night, ruining my bracket and destroying my shot at the McSloanSmith Cloak and general infamy with my inlaws. I'll get you back sometime.
Dear Snow on my brand-new blueberry bushes on April 7th,
You are not welcome around here anymore.
This is not the kind of April showers that bring May Flowers.
Dear Preschool that takes Spring Break,
Guess who doesn't need Spring Break?
Two and Three-year olds. Their entire lives are a break. Let's hit the books next week instead of taking it off, kay?
Dear Parents whose cars have stickers covering their entire back windows,
I do not understand how that happens and yes, I am judging you.
But, look into straight razor. They cost 1.29 at a hardware store.
Your kids aren't really enjoying those stickers anymore are they?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's a Prayin' Kinda Week
Since Matt is engaged in the ministry (imagine me saying that with a nice sweet southern twang) we happen to run across about a million people that have need for prayer. Not to say that they are trivial, because they ARE NOT.
But, need a little more assistance from friends in the prayer arena and so I will bring it to the blog table.
Thus, this post.
Before I begin, I would like to thank you for praying for Patrice and her little boy Jonah. They were sent home from the hospital this week and have begun the long scary road there. You can follow along with them at her blog here.
Now onto new praying times:
Our good friends, Brad and Leigh are on YL staff in Statesville, NC and Leigh's mom had a blood clot that turned possibly into a stroke about ten days ago. They really don't know what is going on with her mom and it is a heartbreaking to listen to a friend go through missing her mom, while her mom is still here. You can follow their story and pray for them here.
Today, we got a phone call from our friend Greg whose wife Lucy was 25 weeks pregnant and they were at Windy Gap this weekend while Greg was doing program. Lucy and Greg used to be leaders here in Asheville and we have known them for about 8 years. Lucy is TOUGH as NAILS and is hilarious. I have loved who she is in the Lord and who she has been in my life and in my friends lives forever. She was one of the reasons why we named our Lucy-Lucy. I would love for my daughter to grow up and have the resiliency that Lucy Noble has.
Anyway, Lucy went into labor unexpectedly today and ended up delivering her baby boy 15 weeks early-in ASHEVILLe. Not in Greensboro where they are on YL staff. They are expected to be here in the hospital with their little boy for the next month. He was so early that they haven't even had a single shower yet for him.
Needless to say, they are in shock. And freaked. And have no idea what is next.
Please pray for them. And for us to figure out to provide and love for these friends that we love dearly that have been dropped in our laps to love more dearly than we planned for the next month.
It is really neat that they get to be here though, where such a community that has loved them through college gets to love them through this time again. I hope that we are up for the challenge.
But, need a little more assistance from friends in the prayer arena and so I will bring it to the blog table.
Thus, this post.
Before I begin, I would like to thank you for praying for Patrice and her little boy Jonah. They were sent home from the hospital this week and have begun the long scary road there. You can follow along with them at her blog here.
Now onto new praying times:
Our good friends, Brad and Leigh are on YL staff in Statesville, NC and Leigh's mom had a blood clot that turned possibly into a stroke about ten days ago. They really don't know what is going on with her mom and it is a heartbreaking to listen to a friend go through missing her mom, while her mom is still here. You can follow their story and pray for them here.
Today, we got a phone call from our friend Greg whose wife Lucy was 25 weeks pregnant and they were at Windy Gap this weekend while Greg was doing program. Lucy and Greg used to be leaders here in Asheville and we have known them for about 8 years. Lucy is TOUGH as NAILS and is hilarious. I have loved who she is in the Lord and who she has been in my life and in my friends lives forever. She was one of the reasons why we named our Lucy-Lucy. I would love for my daughter to grow up and have the resiliency that Lucy Noble has.
Anyway, Lucy went into labor unexpectedly today and ended up delivering her baby boy 15 weeks early-in ASHEVILLe. Not in Greensboro where they are on YL staff. They are expected to be here in the hospital with their little boy for the next month. He was so early that they haven't even had a single shower yet for him.
Needless to say, they are in shock. And freaked. And have no idea what is next.
Please pray for them. And for us to figure out to provide and love for these friends that we love dearly that have been dropped in our laps to love more dearly than we planned for the next month.
It is really neat that they get to be here though, where such a community that has loved them through college gets to love them through this time again. I hope that we are up for the challenge.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My name is Leslie and I have a problem
I want to be Bakerella...
Not really, but I want to be able to make these one day.

Not really because that would require the time to actually make them. But maybe I just want to have them in my house and have people THINK that I could make something this cute.
Go over to her site now and look at all of the adorableness. If anyone wants to make cake pops one day, I am in. We can try it. I know we could make something resembling a mess and then call it a cake pop worthy of AshevilleSloan and NOT BAKERELLA.
Not really, but I want to be able to make these one day.
Not really because that would require the time to actually make them. But maybe I just want to have them in my house and have people THINK that I could make something this cute.
Go over to her site now and look at all of the adorableness. If anyone wants to make cake pops one day, I am in. We can try it. I know we could make something resembling a mess and then call it a cake pop worthy of AshevilleSloan and NOT BAKERELLA.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Cheap Travel Tip of the Week
Since we just got back from the beach, I have a little cheap vacation tip to share with you that I haven't read about on the internet.
Before we left to go to the beach, I hit Blockbuster to pick up a few new DVD's for the kids to watch while we drove 9+ hours to Florida. One of the movies that I really really wanted to get was "Return to Neverland" otherwise known as "The New Peter Pan" round these parts. Disney just put that film back in the vault not to be seen for a few years and I neglected to buy it.
So I rented that movie and a few others. I asked when I was checking out if I could just go ahead and buy "Return to Neverland" and the clerk informed me that I could NOT.
But I went on my way.
Then the next day, when I busted the movies out on the way to Florida...I noticed on my receipt it said,
Return to Neverland: Rental charge-$3.99
Buy it on April 1st for $19.99.
Well okay then. I will do that.
But I also rented Disney's Robin Hood.
Robin Hood: Rental Charge-$3.99
Buy it on April 1st for $3.99
What? $3.99?
And it said the same thing for Cinderella.
Wanna know how much Cinderella costs at Target? $19.99.
Same thing for Robin Hood.
I just went ahead and DID NOT RETURN THE MOVIES.
So future lesson learned. Buy all movies from the rental store that has to be going out of business. FAST. Also, the markup on those things must be unbelievable.
What's The Best Way to Say This?
I have thought often over the last year about how great it is that my kids are getting along, sleeping through the night, can feed themselves and are now potty trained. Life is getting to be so good to me! I mean, is it too easy? Then this had to happen:

With so many important people in my life that read this blog during their day, I thought that this might be the best way to let everyone know without hurting anyone's feelings!
The baby is due around November 30th according to my doctor!
Oh yeah.
With so many important people in my life that read this blog during their day, I thought that this might be the best way to let everyone know without hurting anyone's feelings!
The baby is due around November 30th according to my doctor!
Oh yeah.
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