Monday, June 1, 2015

Day 8: #SharingStreak Michelle Bailey

Michelle Bailey's Father who served in the Air Force for 20 years. He is currently surviving with Leukemia. He has also had cancer in the prostate and melanoma. What a survivor!

Michelle Bailey is another neighborhood friend of mine. Her son and mine hang out together and we all get to play on fun snow days!

Michelle always posts inspirational items on Facebook that make you think and encourage you too look further into the world. I have come to find out that is because she has been profoundly impacted by cancer through the fight that her father has been through. A 20-year veteran in the Air Force, her father is currently surviving with Leukemia. He is also in remission from cancer of the prostate AND melanoma! SHEWWWEE.

Here is Michelle's story:

The person I am honoring is my dad, Rick Bailey. I am honoring him for his service in the Air Force for 20 years. He is also an inspiration and an example of pure strength. He was diagnosed with Prostate cancer first and then Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), then with Melanoma. Prostate was removed and given a clean bill of health. Then the CML, it is chronic, so it is a continuing illness. He is on a chemo pill where it has brought his blood levels back to normal! PTL! The melanoma was removed and again given a clean bill of health. He has shown nothing but strength through all of it. He is "living with leukemia" because you cannot say he is cured from this. My best friend Jessica has been a huge strength to me. Her mom died from cancer a few months before my dad was first diagnosed. I called her crying and she told me she'd give me five min to feel sorry for myself and then I had to suck it up and be strong for my dad! She was right in everything she said. And my God has been someone I can talk to, cry to, and ask why to. I know He will give me the guidance and strength I need to help my dad with what he needs. Psalm 138:3: "in the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul." I want others to find hope and strength in the knowledge that God is there, he is listening. He has a plan, and He will heal, either in the flesh or in the Heaven where there is no more pain. Don't be afraid to be afraid, everyone is allowed to. But show support and strength to your loved one who is in need of it. You are to be there for them, not them for you! My pump up song is "Oceans, Where my feet may fail", or "Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone."

I am so thankful to all of you!
I am now 1/3 of the way to my goal for the Marine Corps Marathon and the #sharingstreak is now in its second week!

I love hearing everyone's stories! It is so good to learn so much more about my friends and their hearts.
Let's keep it going! 

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Inheritance of Hope

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